HTC Corporation (see enclosed image for Chinese spelling of "HTC" name, together with a photo of CEO of HTC - Peter Chou) is outperforming competition worldwide, not just in Asia, however now it is official: BusinessWeek Asia has named HTC the number 2 in Asia.
HTC has been recognized as the number 2 best performing Asian company by Business Week Asia! Sales growth rate of HTC is 73.2% and sales growth grade is A.
Although most sales of HTC products take place in Europe (HTC launch events for a reason take place there) HTC is an Asian corporation headquarted in Taiwan. Due to decision to offer phones also under its own brand, HTC is much more than just a manufacturer and is now offering also global support and service. While smartphones, in which HTC is specialized, constitute still just a tiny part of worldwide mobile phone market, their share is increasing and future looks bright.
HTC owes its success not just to their main customers in the form of wireless carriers like T-Mobile and Orange, but also to Microsoft which provides operating system for HTC-manufactured phones - Windows Mobile. While there are rumors, that HTC will be making soon also Linux phones, possibly for Google, still Windows Mobile phones constitute the core business.
To see the full list of the Scoreboard click here. See also insightful article about HTC from BusinessWeek here.
03 October 2007
HTC number 2 on Asian BusinessWeek 50 Scoreboard
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